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In accordance with federal requirements and as a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement participating institution, 皮马社区学院提供公开和直接的专业执照披露声明.

Academic program leaders who operate units that offer academic programs reasonably assumed to lead to professional licensure or certification are responsible for determining whether their academic programs meet applicable state education requirements for professional licensure or certification in states where their students are located.

These Academic program leaders are also responsible for confirming the accuracy of the information listed in the College’s 国家专业执照表.

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for ensuring that the College transmits the required direct 专业执照披露声明 in a timely manner.

The required public 专业执照披露声明已公布,并可通过学院的 Student 消费者信息 网页.


This process is necessary to help ensure the College’s compliance with federal disclosure requirements and its obligations as a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement institution.

专业执照披露声明: Announcements by the College that provide information publicly (“public 专业执照披露声明”) or by directly notifying students (“direct 专业执照披露声明”) whether a specific academic program aligns with applicable professional licensure education requirements (i.e., 满足, 不符合, 或尚未确定)学院在各州的运作地点, 哥伦比亚特区, 或指定U.S. 领土.


  1. 适用范围及适用性

    这个过程适用于所有提供星际官方赌钱的教学部门, 无论方式或地理位置提供, 在完成后,可以合理地认为会导致专业执照.

  2. 术语

    1. 专业执照是指专业执照或资格证书.
    2. The term “covered program” means an academic program offered by the College that a prospective or enrolled student may reasonably assume the successful completion of which will satisfy applicable professional licensure education requirements in the state where the student is located.
    3. “州”一词指的是美国50个州中的任何一个.S. 美国各州,哥伦比亚特区,以及指定的美国.S. 学院提供学术星际官方赌钱的地区.

  3. 专业执照披露声明

    1. 公开披露的信息

      a. The College is obligated to dis关闭 to prospective and currently enrolled students whether its academic programs meet the education requirements for professional licensure or certification in the state where the student is located. 相应的, 管理这些项目的学术官员, 他们是内容专家, 将每年进行研究, 并记录研究过程, 以确定他们的学术星际官方赌钱是否符合, 不符合, 或者没有就国家对专业执照的要求作出决定. The College is required to provide public disclosures in accordance with the federal regulatory requirements set forth in 34 CFR第668部分.第43(a)(5)(v)条所述.2 . 国家授权互惠协议手册. 资格项目列在 国家专业执照表 网页.

      b. 专业执照披露声明已公布,并可通过学院的 学生及消费者资料 网页. 对于大学星际官方赌钱,可以合理地假设导致专业执照, 这些披露将表明学院通过合理的方式确定的州, good-faith effort that such programs do or do not meet the applicable professional licensure education requirements or the College has not yet made such a determination.

    2. 直接披露

      a. The College ensures that the appropriate direct Professional 许可披露 Statement is transmitted to the individual student in a timely manner prior to a student's enrollment in a covered program when:

            i. The College cannot determine whether the covered program 满足 the applicable professional licensure education requirements where the student is located; and

            ii. The College determines that a covered program 不符合 the applicable professional licensure education requirements where the student is located.

      b. The College transmits in a timely manner the required direct 专业执照披露声明 in accordance with the federal regulatory requirement set forth in 34 CFR 668.43(c) to newly admitted and currently enrolled students when the College determines that a covered program 不符合 the applicable professional licensure education requirements where the student is located or the College has not yet made such a determination.

      c. The College transmits the required direct Professional 许可披露 Statement to the affected student when a covered program ceases to satisfy applicable professional licensure education requirements where a newly admitted or currently enrolled student is located. This must occur within fourteen (14) calendar days after a student notifies the College of their relocation to a state where the covered program 不符合 the applicable professional licensure disclosure requirements.

  4. 维护 国家专业执照表

    1. 学术官员向学院提供最新信息 国家专业执照表 每年.

  5. 收集和传播学生位置

    1. 根据34 CFR 600规定的联邦监管要求.9, the College determines and tracks the location of all students during each academic session or term and providing covered program academic leaders with the data necessary to provide the 专业执照披露声明 as set forth in this process.

  6. 合规

    The College will make every effort to fulfill to provide the 专业执照披露声明 as set forth in this process. 过程 failure will be reviewed internally and action will be taken in accordance with applicable 皮马社区学院 employee policies.





*免责声明:所有文件, 链接, or other materials included in this process’s appendix are provided solely for the user’s convenience and are not part of official College process.

居住在亚利桑那州以外的远程教育学生已经完成 PCC的内部制度申诉程序 可就非教学投诉向 亚利桑那社区学院协调委员会(AC4).

The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA approved institutions regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. 完成机构和AC4的投诉程序后, 学生可以向亚利桑那州SARA委员会投诉. 参观 AZ SARA投诉流程网站 了解更多信息.

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